Nowadays, dentists have become some of most vulnerable medical Practitioners to COVID-19 infection. It is necessary to institute a clinical protocol to be applied in the working environment to avoid new infections and progressive virus spread.
Many patients can’t bear t pains of dents, mouth nor gums. Therefore, in many cases, going to the dentist becomes very urgent as there are emergency cases that can’t wait to avoid many complications.
Thus, a good infection control system is necessary to avoid the spread of infection to protect all the staff in the clinic and protect their families at their homes.
During daily clinical practices, the patient’s oral fluids, material contamination and dental unit surfaces can act as bases of infection for the dentist, the assistant and for the patient himself. Saliva and blood droplets that are placed on the surfaces or aerosol inhalation generated by rotating instruments and ultrasound handpieces establish risk for those who occupy or will occupy those environments.
Subsequently, putting infection control system into effect is a must. The use of disinfectants and personal protective equipment (PPE) also remains essential for the proper development of the dental profession and stopping spread of COVID-19 pandemic.